Timing is crucial… and you need the best!

How do we do it?  By utilizing our years of experience with large and small Acquisition and Divestiture (A&D) projects.  We provide detailed reporting and mapping services that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Whether you have a project requiring a couple of landmen or a large team, our associates stand ready to assist in your project.

Typically, research begins in the client’s office, reviewing their data to evaluate the scope of the project and assets involved.  Then we research the public land records, state well records and other sources of relevant information to fulfill the project’s statement of purpose.  Our findings are presented in a detailed yet concise report.  Our client’s success is always our team’s priority.

In house and field research and reporting includes:



  • Well Files & Joint Operating Agreements
  • Title Opinions & Associated Title Curative
  • Lease Files
  • Contract Files

  • Unit and Pooling Agreements & Declarations
  • Surface & ROW Agreements
  • Division Order Files and Pay & Revenue Decks
  • Thorough Examination of the Public Land Records



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